

       HECTECH is located near Cannes in the south of France, speaks english and comes in contact with users who are experiencing difficulties in both computer hardware and software. The company is able to meet the demands of its customers as soon as possible, as comfortable as possible and this, in full transparency.

       The company offers an innovative sevice which is distinguished by its ability to provide a service that suits you. For this purpose, two types of interventions have been planned: 

1 - Troubleshooting by appointment, made by telephone, SMS or email: 

The mobile workshop moves to the client. This intervention, while important, or on request, can be done in the mobile workshop in order to avoid incovenience caused by the presence of the technician to the home user. 

      2 - Intervention in the vehicle during the planned hotlines: 

The customer brings his hardware (only CPU for a desktop or laptop) to the van and benefits an attractive hourly rate. A schedule of these hotlines will soon be available on this site.

Thanks to his van equipped workshop, the company is able to respond on the spot to most situations encountered in troubleshooting both hardware and software.
The vehicle has also built a space that can accommodate customers who wish to wait until the end of the intervention.

For severe cases that require significant capital equipment, a laptop is freely available in oder to limit the inconvenience caused by this temporary loss of time.

HECTECH  hopes to fully satisfy its customers by providing quality , flexible and fast services that meets their expectations.




     Contact Postal:
     Hecquet Thierry

    144 Av Pierre Semard

     06130 Grasse

Identifiant SIRET : 510 948 904 00014     /           APE: 9511Z
 Dispensé d’immatriculation en application du V de l’article 19 de la loi n° 96-605 du 5 juillet 1996 relative au développement et à la promotion du commerce et de l’artisanat


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© 2011 HecTecH
© 2011 HecTecH
INFOS DU SITE: A partir du 1er février 2010, HECTECH pourra intervenir sur vos installations électriques en panne ainsi que sur vos appareils défectueux. Un aménagement spécifique dans le fourgon est en cours
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© 2011 HecTecH